Les Haut-Faits

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18 decks trouvés chez GobelinLourdaud  
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[MOD] Ice Drifter 5 jours
[Mod] Cabal Reanimator 6 jours
[Mod] Urza & Taxes - MH3 6 jours
[MOD] Binded Lotus 7 jours
Nykthos, Molten Shrine 7 jours
[Mod] Victimized Reanimator 12 jours
[Mod] Benthic Jewel 12 jours
[Mod] Narset's Undoing 2 mois
[Mod] Isochron Jewel 2 mois
[Mod] Urza & Taxes 6 mois
[MOD] Orvrar Brew in Progress (?) 10 mois
[Mod] Ayula, Voice of Gaea 14 mois
[Mod] Awaken the woods test 18 mois
[Mod] Yorion & Taxes 25 mois
[Mod] Ashaya, the Molten Saga 25 mois
[Mod] Ashaya, the Molten Pinnacle 27 mois
[Mod] Narset in the Ice 31 mois
[EDH] Feather, the Redeemed 40 mois