Les Haut-Faits

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47 decks trouvés chez PierCristof  
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Akiri, Fearless Voyager 45 mois
Anowon, the Ruin Thief 45 mois
Raff Capashen, Ship's Mage 45 mois
Kathril, Aspect Warper 45 mois
The First Sliver 45 mois
Kykar, Wind's Fury 45 mois
Arahbo, Roar of the World 45 mois
Emmara, Soul of the Accord 45 mois
Kynaios and Tiro of Meletis 45 mois
Nikya of the Old Ways 45 mois
Firesong and Sunspeaker 45 mois
Zo-Zu the Punisher 45 mois
Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh 45 mois
Geist of Saint Traft 45 mois
Marrow-Gnawer 45 mois
Ezuri, Renegade Leader 45 mois
Depala, Pilot Exemplar 45 mois
Varina, Lich Queen 45 mois
Kalamax, the Stormsire 45 mois
Kadena, Slinking Sorcerer 45 mois