Bruxelles, Belgique

[DC Rules update] February 2022
le 14/02/2022 22:59

The following rule changes now apply (you can find these in the context of our Comprehensive Rules):

Citation :
301.5 Casting commanders

301.5a Only a single commander can be cast from the command zone during a game. This is a change from previous rules defined in section 903.8 of the Magic The Gathering Comprehensive Rules.

301.5b There is no such choice to be announced prior the first time a commander is cast.

301.5c Once a commander has been cast from the command zone during a game, the other, if any, can't be cast from the command zone.

301.5d The other commander is still subject to the Magic The Gathering Comprehensive Rules defined in section 903.9 of the Magic The Gathering Comprehensive Rules and can be cast from anywhere else.


403.1b Rule 301.5 in this document does not affect the deck building process.


Citation :
507 Playing with more than one commander

507.1 If more than one commander is put in the command zone at the start of a game, refer to rule 301.5 in this document.

507.2 A commander cast from any other zone than the command zone does not count in regard to rule 301.5 of this document.

Example : Command Beacon is a card that reads “{T}, Sacrifice Command Beacon: put your commander into your hand from the command zone.” A player put one of their commanders in their hand using this ability and didn't cast the other commander previously. They can still cast any commander from their command zone.

Example : Tevesh Szat, Doom of Fools is a card that reads “{−10}: gain control of all commanders. Put all commanders from the command zone onto the battlefield under your control.” A player that did not cast any commander from their command zone before the resolution of this ability can still cast one of their commanders from that zone.


%g Bruse Tarl, Boorish Herder is now legal.
%g Jeska, Thrice Reborn is now legal.
%g Keleth, Sunmane Familiar is now legal.
%g Kraum, Ludevic's Opus is now legal.
%g Livio, Oathsworn Sentinel is now legal.
%g Ludevic, Necro-Alchemist is now legal.
%g Reyhan, Last of the Abzan is now legal.
%g Rograkh, Son of Rohgahh is now legal.
%g Tymna the Weaver is now legal.

%r Yoshimaru, Ever Faithful is now banned as a commander only.


We read and analysed a lot of feedback to determine what players wanted, which characteristics of the mechanics they wanted to get rid of and which characteristics they liked, and three major axes came to light:

A lot of players no longer wanted two or more objects that could be cast multiple times from the command zone.

A lot of players did love the colour options the mechanics offered. As we often mentioned, the mechanics allowed players to play colour combinations that didn't see a lot of quality commanders, and it was probably the main reason why the mechanics were seemed as interesting by everyone.

Should a fix happen, a lot of players would have liked to have the possibility to individually play the commanders, as some of them were reasonable and interesting cards on their own, and still offered build-around options.

We also read and analysed the most possible options that we could think of or were suggested by various members of the community (either on Discord, Facebook, private messaging, or face-to-face talks). None of these solutions were perfect, so in the end we went for the one that offered the best balance in terms of keeping what made the characteristics interesting while bringing it close to single commanders in regard to power level, and the one that best matched the aforementioned axes.

As the new rules state, players picking more than one commander in their command zone (whether they're Partners, Friends Forever, Partners With, or any other future variants allowing multiple cards in the command zone) will now have to choose which one they want to cast each game, and won't be able to cast both multiple times. So you will now have to choose carefully which commander you cast first, as you won't be able to cast the other one for what remains of the game. The one you cast still follows all of the dedicated Commander rules, of course. For the second game and beyond, if any, you can choose to cast the other one, or the same one anew.
For instance, if you're playing Livio, Oathsworn Sentinel and Malcolm, Keen-Eyed Navigator, you can play game 1 with only Livio, Oathsworn Sentinel, game 2 with Malcolm, Keen-Eyed Navigator only, and game 3 with either of them. Or you can also play all three games with the same one.

Also, you don't have to choose at the beginning of the game, since the “lock” happens when you cast a commander for the first time each game. This also means that if you're using specific cards to move one commander from the command zone to your hand (such as Command Beacon or Hellkite Courser do) before casting a commander from the command zone, it won't lock the other one. So these cards still function as they always did.

Of course, this new rule means some of the commanders that were previously banned because they were part of the mechanics concerned by this rules change will no longer remain banned. All those that were banned mostly because they were too strong with a second commander but would be fine on their own get an “out of jail” seal and are back to the format. On the other hand, those that were banned because they were already too strong on their own (such as Vial Smasher the Fierce or Akiri, Line-Slinger, for instance), or key components of specific archetypes and combo outlets (such as Thrasios, Triton Hero), will remain banned.

The following commanders hence remain banned:

Akiri, Line-Slinger
Ardenn, Intrepid Archaeologist
Esior, Wardwing Familiar
Krark, the Thumbless
Thrasios, Triton Hero
Vial Smasher the Fierce

%T Yoshimaru, Ever Faithful

Even though Yoshimaru, Ever Faithful won't be as strong as it could have been without the rule change, it is still one of the best one-drop commanders ever printed. With more and more cheap legendary permanents printed every year, and a decent number of those being already available, it will regularly outperform other low-cost aggressive commanders, even with an average draw. Therefore, we've decided to ban Yoshimaru, Ever Faithful in order to maintain diversity among aggressive strategies.

Source : https://www.mtgdc.info/announcements/2022/february-2022-rules-bannedre...
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le 18/02/2022 21:17
Exemple via Eldrazi's Winter, ou encore les compagnons avec leur règle originelle (Lurrus en Vintage)

En restant sur la bl du DC : tous les ZAP pourris par les commanders maintenant bannis.
Toutes les combos OP dont la seule réponse est counterspell (combo écraserait le format sans réponse possible).
Le ban de caverne des âmes (la seule présence de cette carte est autowin contre U contrôle, quasi 0 contrainte de build)
Les partners (les meilleures combos partners rendent caduques tout général non partner avec la même identité)
Lutri (favorise UR gratuitement).
Le ban de Entomb : parce que pourquoi jouer aggro si on fait demonic tutor entomb reanimate sur griselbrand ?
Le ban de Karakas.

Le DC est monté en power level depuis 5 ans, chaque extension de Commander monte en power level et subit son lot de ban en DC.
La grande majorité des decks de l'époque ont disparu : plus d'azorius, plus de ramp, pas d'aristocrate, plus de gruul, les 5cc ont trouvé leur maître Niv Mizzet, pas de mono G, pas de mono U, ce ne sont pas les généraux qui manque, mais le reste du field est pété.

Plus y a de cartes sur la banliste, et plus la méta est diverse, ça a toujours été comme ça.
En Hyrule

le 18/02/2022 21:25
Citation :
Le ban de caverne des âmes (la seule présence de cette carte est autowin contre U contrôle

J'avais pas lu l'explication du ban parce que le format était mort par chez moi à ce moment là mais, rassurez moi, ça n'a pas été banni pour ça quand même ?
le 18/02/2022 21:31
Citation :
Cavern of Souls greatly favors commander-centric game plans. Especially when it comes to green decks that could easily find the card in libraries. Reducing interactions -yes, Counterspell is an interactive spell- is not what we think is good for a competitive format. Commander-centric strategies reduce the strategic problems encountered in the format. Our efforts to finally structure blue as a more controlling color and a less combo color would be denied if Cavern of Souls remained legal.
En Hyrule

le 18/02/2022 21:35
Mon dieu....
Caverne n'a rien a faire sur la ban liste allons, et pourtant je dis ça en jouant bleu.
Protection contre les phaseurs, Traversée des *counters*

le 19/02/2022 1:03
Gruul se porte bien, @Conan
Une partie des autres archetypes listés perfent encore occasionellement.

@nosckaj : c'était une annonce très controversé. L'objectif explicite du comité était d'affaiblir les decks bleu combo, et en contrepartie de renforcer les deck bleu contrôle. donc : ban de trois tours supplémentaires et de high tide, ban de caverne, de wasteland, de field of the dead, ban de LED, et unban de gifts (qui est reparti en banlist depuis) et de baby Jace.
Le détail ici : https://www.mtgdc.info/announcements/2020/may-2020-rules-bannedrestric...
On a plus vraiment vu de stratégie lands depuis (sauf Gitrog combo)
le 19/02/2022 11:04
Si partner vous manque, reste friend forever. Une extension de la règle partner est prevu la dessus ?
Montélimar, France
le 19/02/2022 11:58
La nouvelle règle ne fait pas mention de partners, elle fait mention de plus d'un commandant en zone de commandement. Donc, que ce soit partner, partner with, friend forever, ou n'importe quelle autre mécanique future, en duel commander, tu ne pourras qu'un seul commandant depuis ta zone de commandement (tu peux tenter de mettre ton 2è commandant en main, via command beacon, ou le poser depuis la zone de commandement sans le lancer via la capacité de Tevesh)
En Hyrule

le 19/02/2022 12:06
Wasteland et caverne sont deux ban que j'ai toujours trouvé ridicules
le 19/02/2022 19:10
Bon, je réponds mille posts en retard.

Je n'ai jamais joué partner et je n'aime pas la capa, je suis ravi que les partners soient nerfés à la hache. Donc me cataloguer pro partner ouin-ouin ça me broute pas mal :p

Après, au final, tu es juste comme quand le comité est rigide, tu as une vision toute faite d'une notion qui nécéssite pourtant beaucoup de nuances. Comme l'a fait remarquer celui qui a posté la diversité de la méta en vintage, le powerlevel n'est PAS un problème en soi. C'est le déséquilibre de powerlevel entre les différentes cartes qui est gênante. On ne doit pas niveler ni par le haut, ni par le bas mais finement.

Sinon, oui, caverne et wasteland sont pas des bans géniaux même si compréhensibles. En matière de non-interaction et pénibilité une carte comme Winter Orb et 56465324 fois plus chiante à jouer contre. Opinion personnelle.
le 19/02/2022 19:57
Citation :
Comme l'a fait remarquer celui qui a posté la diversité de la méta en vintage

J'ai juste vu un type poster genre 20 deck. Il n'a fait aucune remarque. Est-ce beaucoup, est-ce peu ?
Le Vintage joue avec 14000 cartes magic et on a 20 decks (dont 10 qui font 70% du meta) ?
Un peu d'analyse aurait pas fait de mal.

Citation :
le powerlevel n'est PAS un problème en soi

Plus tu montes le powerlevel, plus tu auras de différence avec les autres cartes. Dans un référentiel fermé tu as raison, la meta du powerlevel 7 sera variée, la meta du powerlevel 9 sera variée. Sauf que Wizard continue d'éditer des cartes, si ces cartes sont powerlevel 7 (et qu'on joue en 7) le nombre de decks va forcément augmenter plus que si nous jouons en powerlevel 10 (où les cartes complètement broken genre Thassa oracle sont très rares).

Citation :
C'est le déséquilibre de powerlevel entre les différentes cartes qui est gênante.

Je pense que personne ne conteste ce fait.
Monsieur Zooka !, j'ai encore perdu mon badge !
le 26/02/2022 11:34
zap palaiseau de février, 2 partners présents dans le top8 (l'un des deux étant issu du secret lair) sur six partners participant à l'évènement, il me semble.

C'est le premier gros tournoi depuis la mise à jour de la banlist.
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