Cards to Watch Modern
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Space movie from 1992

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le 14/02/2019 11:27
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%E 1. Anciennes Cartes

* Elles ont été des cartes importantes dans d'anciens archétypes et n'ont pas refait surface dans d'autres.
* Elles ont, pour la plupart, des arguments pour être des cartes centrales au sein d'une stratégie de deck.
* La stratégie de deck dans laquelle elle sont jouable est probablement désuète.
* Elles sont devenues obsolètes et/ou elles sont en concurrence avec d'autres cartes.

%R%R%R Seismic Assault (2 - Archetype Stapple) - Aggro Loam
%2 Isochron Scepter (2 - Archetype Stapple) - Scepter.
%UR Élémental nivmagus (2 - Archetype Stapple) - Elemental Combo.
%1%B Heartless Summoning (2 - Archetype Stapple) - Eldrazi Black.
%4%W%W Ouvrez les chambres fortes ! (2 - Archetype Stapple) - KCI.
%9%R Greater Gargadon (2 - Archetype Stapple) - Dredge, Restore Balance.
%B%B%B%B Oblitérateur phyrexian (3 - Regular Card) - The Rock.
%1%R%G Domri Rade (3 - Regular Card) - Gruul Aggro.
%W Steppe Lynx (3 - Regular Card / 4.1 - Archetype Folk) - Death's Shadow Zoo.
%B%G Troll de Lotleth (4.1 - Archetype Folk) - Dredgevine.
%1%1 Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre (5 - Big Spell) Gr Tron

%E 2. Apparition Rare.

* Elles apparaissent par intermittence dans des rogues decks et des archetypes outsiders.
* Elles peuvent parfois apparaitre dans des tiers decks mais sont en concurrence avec d'autres cartes.
* Elles étaient importante dans un archetype très joué il y'a peu mais cet archetype a été affecté par un grand changement ou un ban.

%R Norin the Wary (2 - Archetype Stapple) - Norin Life.
%R Skred (2 - Archetype Stapple) - Snow Red.
%2 Genesis Chamber (2 - Archetype Stapple) - Norin Life.
%1%R Kiln Fiend (2 - Archetype Stapple) - Kiln Fiend Aggro, Death's Shadow.
%1%B Artiste de sang (2 - Archetype Stapple) - Abzan Aristocrats.
%W%B%G Ascendance abzane (2 - Archetype Stapple) - Abzan Aristocrats.
%1%B Infestation de zombies (2) - Zombie Infestation, Zombie Infestation 2.
%1%W Sram, Senior Edificer (2 - Archetype Stapple) - Cheeri0s
%2W%2W%2W Procession spectrale (2 - Archetype Stapple) - WB Tokens, Marty Life.
%1%U%R Saheeli Rai (2 - Archetype Stapple) - CopyCat.
%2%R%R Koth du marteau (2 - Archetype Stapple) - Snow Red.
%2%U%B Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas (2 - Archetype Stapple / 5 - Big Spell) UB Tezzeret.
%X%G%G%G Genesis Wave (2 - Archetype Stapple / 5 - Big Spell) - Genesis Wave.
%1%W%W%B%B Obzedat, Ghost Council (2 - Archetype Stapple / 5 - Big Spell) Esper Goryo's.
%X%W%W Retour dans les rangs / %X%W%W Ralliement des ancêtres (2 - Archetype Stapple / 5 - Big Spell) - Norin Life, Abzan Aristocrats.
%1%B Rat de meute (2 - Archetype Stapple / 3 - Regular Card) - BR Pack Rat.
%R Vexing Devil (3 - Regular Card) - Bushwacker Zoo, Naya Burn.
%2%W Monastery Mentor (3 - Regular Card) - Mardu Tokens, UWx Midrange.
%B%B%B Geralf's Messenger (3 - Regular Card) - Zombies, Black Devotion,
%1%G Shamane de la faune (3 - Regular Card /4.1 - Archetype Folk) - Creatures Toolbox, Elves !.
%1%G%W Frappeur loxodon (3 - Regular Card / 4.1 - Archetype Folk) - Hatebears, Zoo.
%G%W Souhait scintillant (3 - Regular Card / 4.2 - Archetype Tool) - Jeskai Ascendancy.
%1%WG%WG%WG Noble féale de Feuilleterne (3 - Regular Card / 5 - Big Spells) - Abzan Aggro, Hatebears.
%1%W Faucon d'escadron (4.1 - Archetype Folk) - Martyr Life, Wu Monument.
%G%G Geist étrangleracine (4.1 - Archetype Folk) - Abzan Evolution, Mono-Green Stompy.
%1%B Zulaport Cutthroat (4.1 - Archetype Folk) - Abzan Aristocrats
%1%R Abbé de la Forteresse de Keral (4.1 - Archetype Folk) - UR Aggro, Mardu Midrange.
%T Scrying Sheets (4.2 - Archetype Tool) - Skred Red.
%T Mouth of Ronom (4.2 - Archetype Tool) - Skred Red.
%1%G Guidevoie satyre (4.2 - Archetype Tool) - Abzan Aristocrats,
%T Hauts de Ventabrupt (4.2 - Archetype Tool) - WB Tokens, Marty Life.
%2%W Proclamation of Rebirth (4.2 - Archetype Tool) - Martyr Life
%U Crabe d'hèdron (4.2 - Archetype Tool) - UB Mill, Dredgevine.
%1%R Flammes tribales (4.2 - Archetype Tool) - Tribal Zoo, Death's Shadow Zoo.
%U Visions de l'au-delà (4.2 - Archetype Tool) - Jeskai Pyromancer, UB Mill.
%1%G Cobra de lotus (4.2 - Archetype Tool) - CopyCat.
%1%R Pyroclasm (4.2 - Archetype Tool) - Gr Tron
%X%U%U Disrupting Shoal (4.2 - Archetype Tool) - RUG Aggro, Merfolks
%2%B Painful Truths (4.2 - Archetype Tool) - Esper Midrange, Mardu Control.
%1%W%B Anguished Unmaking (4.2 - Archetype Tool) - Bw Smallpox.
%W%U%B Esper Charm (4.2 - Archetype Tool) - Esper Control.
%2%G Wayward Swordtooth (4.2 - Archetype Tool) - Bloomless Titan
%T Emeria, the Sky Ruin (5 - Big Spell) - Martyr Life.
%T Abbaye du val d'Orient (5 - Big Spell) - Elves !, Wu Monument.
%R%G%W Justice ardente (5 - Big Spell) - Creatures Toolbox
%3%R%R Thundermaw Hellkite (5 - Big Spell) - Uwx Midrange.
%3%R%R Goblin Dark-Dwellers (5 - Big Spell) - Blue Moon, Boros Nahiri.
%2%B%R Olivia Voldaren (5 - Big Spell) - Jund.
%3%R%R Dragon au souffle de tempête (5 - Big Spell) Skred Red, Gruul Land Loss
%3%W%U Dragonlord Ojutai (5 - Big Spell) - UW Control
%3%G%G Primal Command (2 - Archetype Stapple / 5 - Big Spell) - Genesis Wave, Devotion to Green, GR Ponza.

%B Bump in the Night (4.2 - Archetype Tool)

%E 3. Apparition occasionnelle

* Elles font des apparition occasionelles dans des archetypes qui ont fait des perfs ou des apparitions remarquables
* Elles ont fait leurs preuves mais n'ont pas su s'imposer comme dominantes

%1 The Rack (2 - Archetype Stapple) - 8 Rack
%B%B Smallpox (2 - Archetype Stapple) - Bw Smallpox, 8 Rack.
%1%U%U Grand Architecte (2 - Archetype Stapple) - Blue Steel, .
%1%U Infuser l'âme aux artefacts (2 - Archetype Stapple) - Affinity, Tarmo Affinity.
%WB%U Thopter Foundry + %2 Sword of the Meek (2)- UB Tezzeret, Lantern Control.
%2%U As Foretold (2 - Archetype Stapple) - Living Blue, Twin Foretold Vengeance.
%3%U%U Time Warp (2 - Archetype Stapple) - Walks
%1%R Ascension du pyromancien (2 - Archetype Stapple / 4.2 Archétype Tools) - Jeskai Pyromancer.
%3%U%G Bring to Light (2 - Archetype Stapple / 5 - Big Spell) - 5c Scapeshift.
%B%G Sinistre écorcheur (3 - Regular Card) - Abzan, Death's Shadow.
%W%B Passeur de la Mer creuse (3 - Regular Card) - WB Eldrazi, Eldrazi & Taxes, Bw Zombies.
%B Gravecrawler (4.1 - Archetype Folk) - Dredgevine WB Zombies.
%R Legion Loyalist (4.1 - Archetype Folk) Goblins, Weird Life, Bushwhacker Zoo.
%T Moorland Haunt (4.2 - Archetype Tool) - Spirits

%E Candidates

* Elles n'ont pas encore fait leurs preuves
* Elles ont des qualités incontestables et un potentiel pour le haut niveau

%U Pteramander (2 - Archetype Stapple) - Izzet Phoenix
%B%G Boa sinueux (2 - Archetype Stapple) - Snake Scales.
%U Training Grounds (2 - Archetype Stapple) - UW Training Grounds.
%2%B%B Necrotic Ooze (2 - Archetype Stapple) - Instant Réanimator.
%4%W%U Souverains de l'Alara perdue (2 - Archetype Stapple) - Bant Conscription.
%1%W%U%B Zur the Enchanter (2 - Archetype Stapple) - Zur the Enchanter.
%X%R%R Électrodominance (2 - Archetype Stapple) -
%4%B%B Soulflayer (2 - Archetype Stapple) - Soul Flayer 1 2.
%3 Cloudstone Curio (2 - Archetype Stapple) - Elves!
%3%R%R Possibility Storm (2 - Archetype Stapple) - Possibility Storm.
%W Myth Realized (2 - Archetype Stapple)
%1%B Shadow of the Grave (2 - Archetype Stapple)
%1%U Erayo, Soratami Ascendant (2 - Archetype Stapple) - Erayo Quest (BAI)
%2 Ebony Owl Netsuke (2 - Archetype Stapple) - UR Owling Mine (BAI)
%2%G%U Prime Speaker Vannifar (2 - Archetype Stapple)
%3%B%G The Gitrog Monster (2 - Archetype Stapple) (Déjà vu joué ici), Sultai As Foretold Gitrog (BAI).
%W Quest for the Holy Relic (2 - Archetype Stapple) - Erayo Quest (BAI)
%3%U Polymorphisme (2 Archetype Stapple)
%2%W%W Enduring Renewal (2 - Archetype Stapple) - Enduring Renewal Combo
%3%W Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle  (2 - Archetype Stapple)
%3%G%G Dramatic Entrance (2 - Archetype Stapple)
%1%U%R Fevered Visions (2 - Archetype Stapple) - UR Owling Mine (BAI)
%2%R Goblin Rabblemaster (3 - Regular Card) - Mono Red Prison
%3%U Ninja of the Deep Hours (4.1 - Archetype Folk) - Bant Tallowisp.
%W Legion's Landing (4.1 - Archetype Folk) - WB Tokens.
%1%U%R%W Ange d'éclair (4.1 - Archetype Folk) - UWx Midrange.
%3 Adaptive Automaton (4.1 - Archetype Folk)
%T Foundry of the Consuls (4.2 - Archetype Tool)
%T Untaidake, the Cloud Keeper (4.2 - Archetype Tool)
%T Hall of the Bandit Lord (4.2 - Archetype Tool)
%0 Mox Amber (4.2 - Archetype Tool) - Erayo Quest (BAI)
%W Porphyry Nodes (4.2 - Archetype Tool) - Enduring Ideal.
%2%U Day's Undoing(4.2 - Archetype Tool) - Walks, Affinity.
%2%U Trophy Mage (4.2 - Archetype Tool)
%2%R Light Up the Stage (4.2 - Archetype Tool)
%2%R Skewer the Critics (4.2 - Archetype Tool)
%2%G%G Beast Whisperer (4.2 - Archetype Tool) Elves !!
%1%UB / %3%U%B Discovery / Dispersal (4.2 - Archetype Tool)
%X%R%R Commune with Lava (5 - Big Spell) - Valakut.
%6%B%B Tombstalker (5 - Big Spell)
%1%U%B Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver (5 - Big Spell / 7 - Kill) - BUG
%2%U%U Sower of Temptation (5 - Big Spell) - Fearies
%W%W%U%U%B%B%R%R%G%G Progénitus ([7 - Kill) - Infect Combo.
%3%G%G Verdurous Gearhulk (5 - Big Spell)
%4%G Thragcorne (5 - Big Spell / 6.2 - Sideboard Card)
%2 Sorcerous Spyglass (6.2 - Sideboard Card)