// www.magic-ville.com deck file
// NAME : r drazi qui tche
// CREATOR : kojirohyuga1 (magic-ville.com)
// FORMAT : Vintage
4 [SOI] Goldnight Castigator
4 [BFZ] Vile Aggregate
4 [OGW] Eldrazi Obligator
4 [AP] Shivan Reef
4 [OGW] Chandra, Flamecaller
2 [OGW] Spatial Contortion
2 [OGW] Sea Gate Wreckage
4 [ORI] Foundry of the Consuls
2 [AP] Battlefield Forge
4 [OGW] Reality Smasher
3 [ORI] Hangarback Walker
11 [U] Mountain
4 [OGW] Hedron Crawler
2 [OGW] Ruins of Oran-Rief
3 [DTK] Roast
3 [OGW] Thought-Knot Seer
