// www.magic-ville.com deck file
// NAME : ne mangez pas les noisettes... c'est dangereux...
// CREATOR : gelwiltzar (magic-ville.com)
// FORMAT : Vintage
1 Fastbond
3 Last-Ditch Effort
3 Squirrel Nest
3 Sterling Grove
4 Utopia Sprawl
4 Wild Growth
4 Serra's Sanctum
4 Enchantress's Presence
4 Birds of Paradise
4 Earthcraft
4 Exploration
4 Argothian Enchantress
4 False Dawn
15 Forest
SB: 3 Vitalize
SB: 3 Lava Burst
SB: 3 Engineered Explosives
SB: 3 Psychic Drain
SB: 3 Chalice of the Void
