Listes de decks compétition —
Format Tournoi Joueurs date
Peasant Mtg-Peasant @ Cockatrice 8 16/11/25
Duel Commander MTGO Duel Commander Trial 16 18 10/02/25
Standard MTGO League 10/02/25
Pioneer MTGO League 09/02/25
Pauper MTGO League 09/02/25
Duel Commander DC Monthly @ Tableraze (Montpellier, France) 18 09/02/25
Duel Commander Manaburn Cup Season 1 week 5 @ Kalinaw Coffee Co. (Rizal, Philippines) 8 09/02/25
Duel Commander MTGO Duel Commander Trial 16 16 09/02/25
Duel Commander Sunday Duel @ Darksteel (Ericeira, Portugal) 8 09/02/25
Duel Commander Win a Demonic Tutor @ Agen (France) 12 09/02/25
Modern MTGO League 09/02/25
Standard MTGO League 09/02/25
Legacy MTGO Challenge 32 32 09/02/25
Legacy MTGO League 09/02/25
Vintage MTGO Challenge 32 38 09/02/25
Vintage MTGO League 09/02/25
Pioneer MTGO Challenge 32 43 08/02/25
Pioneer MTGO League 08/02/25
Peasant Mtg-Peasant @ Cockatrice 8 08/02/25
Pauper MTGO Challenge 32 44 08/02/25
Duel Commander DC weekly fev @ Spellcast (Guarulhos, Brazil) 9 08/02/25
Duel Commander MTGO Duel Commander Trial 16 23 08/02/25
Duel Commander MTGO League 08/02/25
Duel Commander Sudden Death! @ Muntinlupa (Philippines) 14 08/02/25
Duel Commander T3MC Bardagulan @ Smash & Brew (Antipolo, Philippines) 10 08/02/25
Duel Commander Wool Cup 129 @ Kadou (Beijing, China) 16 08/02/25
Modern MTGO Challenge 32 51 08/02/25
Modern MTGO Challenge 64 104 08/02/25
Modern MTGO League 08/02/25
Modern Saturday Event @ Contemporary Nook Anonas (Quezon City, Philippines) 12 08/02/25
Standard MTGO Challenge 32 66 08/02/25
Standard MTGO Challenge 32 45 08/02/25
Standard MTGO League 08/02/25
Standard RCQ @ Sydney Central (Australia) 19 08/02/25
Legacy MTGO Challenge 32 44 08/02/25
Legacy MTGO League 08/02/25
Vintage MTGO Challenge 32 42 08/02/25
Vintage MTGO Qualifier 111 08/02/25
Pioneer MTGO Challenge 32 50 07/02/25
Pioneer Oversized Event @ Star City Games 10 07/02/25
Pauper LPMartinaFranca 1° Tappa @ Italy 12 07/02/25
Pauper MTGO Challenge 32 56 07/02/25
Pauper MTGO League 07/02/25
Duel Commander DC Mensuel @ Le Coin Des Barons (Narbonne, France) 12 07/02/25
Duel Commander FNM Duel BCN @ inGenio (Barcelona) 16 07/02/25
Duel Commander Friday DUEL Xplace @ Xplace (São Paulo, Brazil) 12 07/02/25
Duel Commander MTGO Duel Commander League 07/02/25
Modern FNM @ Contemporary Nook Anonas (Quezon City, Philippines) 14 07/02/25
Modern LCQ 0 @ SCG CON Portland 58 07/02/25
Modern LCQ 1 @ SCG CON Portland 49 07/02/25
Modern LCQ 10 @ SCG CON Portland 61 07/02/25
Modern LCQ 11 @ SCG CON Portland 80 07/02/25
Modern LCQ 12 @ SCG CON Portland 52 07/02/25
Modern LCQ 2 @ SCG CON Portland 117 07/02/25
Modern LCQ 3 @ SCG CON Portland 52 07/02/25
Modern LCQ 4 @ SCG CON Portland 60 07/02/25
Modern LCQ 5 @ SCG CON Portland 50 07/02/25
Modern LCQ 6 @ SCG CON Portland 56 07/02/25
Modern LCQ 7 @ SCG CON Portland 50 07/02/25
Modern LCQ 8 @ SCG CON Portland 55 07/02/25
Modern LCQ 9 @ SCG CON Portland 71 07/02/25
Modern MTGO Challenge 64 65 07/02/25
Modern MTGO League 07/02/25
Modern ReCQ @ SCG CON Portland 157 07/02/25
Standard MTGO League 07/02/25
Legacy MTGO League 07/02/25
Legacy Oversized Event @ SCG CON Portland 54 07/02/25
Vintage MTGO Challenge 32 40 07/02/25
Premodern Night Show Pns (Technoliga) @ Valencia (Spain) 12 06/02/25
Pioneer MTGO Challenge 32 56 06/02/25
Pioneer MTGO League 06/02/25
Pauper 1^ tappa | Lega Mediavalle e Garfagnana 24/25 - Spring Season @ Garfagnana (Italy) 18 06/02/25
Pauper 3° Tappa Lega Terni @ La Tana Terni (Italy) 13 06/02/25
Pauper LPMilano IX Tappa Lecco25 @ UESM (Milano, Italy) 24 06/02/25
Pauper MTGO League 06/02/25
Pauper Pauper Royale 227 34 06/02/25
Pauper Prague League @ Najáda (Prague) 35 06/02/25
Duel Commander MTGO Duel Commander League 06/02/25
Duel Commander Thursday Night Tournament #28 @ France 20 06/02/25
Duel Commander Thursduel BCN @ Magic Barcelona (Barcelona) 19 06/02/25
Modern MTGO Challenge 64 79 06/02/25
Modern MTGO League 06/02/25
Standard MTGO Challenge 32 48 06/02/25
Standard MTGO League 06/02/25
Legacy MTGO League 06/02/25
Vintage MTGO Challenge 32 50 06/02/25
Vintage MTGO League 06/02/25
Premodern Biweekly Event @ Mont CardShop (Campinas, Brazil) 14 05/02/25
Premodern Magico Conclave Etrusco Cecina - Championship #7 @ Cecina (Italy) 20 05/02/25
Peasant Mtg-Peasant @ Cockatrice 8 05/02/25
Pauper 5' Tappa Lega Rieti @ Comics Empire (Contigliano, Italy) 8 05/02/25
Pauper Br(i)anza League #12 (Season 4) @ Italy 17 05/02/25
Pauper Envy League @ Molfetta (italy) 11 05/02/25
Pauper Fuguete League 210 43 05/02/25
Pauper Lab League 2025 - Tappa #5 @ Il Labirinto (Bollate, Italy) 16 05/02/25
Pauper Modena Magic 2024/25 Winter Round 5/6 @ Modena (Italy) 32 05/02/25
Pauper Tappa LP Comense "Road to Lecco" @ Magic Akiba (Mariano Comense, Italy) 05/02/25
Duel Commander 4 Tappa Lega @ Magic History (Perugia, Italy) 8 05/02/25
Duel Commander Bazar Weekly #5 @ Bazar de Bagda (Sao Paulo, Brazil) 12 05/02/25
Duel Commander Le Tord La Goule Tournament 26 @ Basly (France) 8 05/02/25
RCQ @ Pandemonium Books and Games (Cambridge, MA)
joué le 12/01/2025

Top Decks
4 Orzhov Aggro Alex Lasky
4 Esper Aggro Ryan Schumacher
4 Selesnya Aggro Devon O'donnel
4 Simic Control Lucca Lipvma
5-8 Red Deck Wins Andrei Ionov
5-8 Jeskai Convoke Daniel Huang
5-8 Golgari Aggro Gregory Tersott