Listes de decks compétition —
Format Tournoi Joueurs date
Peasant Mtg-Peasant @ Cockatrice 8 16/11/25
Duel Commander MTGO Duel Commander Trial 16 18 10/02/25
Standard MTGO League 10/02/25
Pioneer MTGO League 09/02/25
Pauper MTGO League 09/02/25
Duel Commander DC Monthly @ Tableraze (Montpellier, France) 18 09/02/25
Duel Commander Manaburn Cup Season 1 week 5 @ Kalinaw Coffee Co. (Rizal, Philippines) 8 09/02/25
Duel Commander MTGO Duel Commander Trial 16 16 09/02/25
Duel Commander Sunday Duel @ Darksteel (Ericeira, Portugal) 8 09/02/25
Duel Commander Win a Demonic Tutor @ Agen (France) 12 09/02/25
Modern MTGO League 09/02/25
Standard MTGO League 09/02/25
Legacy MTGO Challenge 32 32 09/02/25
Legacy MTGO League 09/02/25
Vintage MTGO Challenge 32 38 09/02/25
Vintage MTGO League 09/02/25
Pioneer MTGO Challenge 32 43 08/02/25
Pioneer MTGO League 08/02/25
Peasant Mtg-Peasant @ Cockatrice 8 08/02/25
Pauper MTGO Challenge 32 44 08/02/25
Duel Commander DC weekly fev @ Spellcast (Guarulhos, Brazil) 9 08/02/25
Duel Commander MTGO Duel Commander Trial 16 23 08/02/25
Duel Commander MTGO League 08/02/25
Duel Commander Sudden Death! @ Muntinlupa (Philippines) 14 08/02/25
Duel Commander T3MC Bardagulan @ Smash & Brew (Antipolo, Philippines) 10 08/02/25
Duel Commander Wool Cup 129 @ Kadou (Beijing, China) 16 08/02/25
Modern MTGO Challenge 32 51 08/02/25
Modern MTGO Challenge 64 104 08/02/25
Modern MTGO League 08/02/25
Modern Saturday Event @ Contemporary Nook Anonas (Quezon City, Philippines) 12 08/02/25
Standard MTGO Challenge 32 66 08/02/25
Standard MTGO Challenge 32 45 08/02/25
Standard MTGO League 08/02/25
Standard RCQ @ Sydney Central (Australia) 19 08/02/25
Legacy MTGO Challenge 32 44 08/02/25
Legacy MTGO League 08/02/25
Vintage MTGO Challenge 32 42 08/02/25
Vintage MTGO Qualifier 111 08/02/25
Pioneer MTGO Challenge 32 50 07/02/25
Pioneer Oversized Event @ Star City Games 10 07/02/25
Pauper LPMartinaFranca 1° Tappa @ Italy 12 07/02/25
Pauper MTGO Challenge 32 56 07/02/25
Pauper MTGO League 07/02/25
Duel Commander DC Mensuel @ Le Coin Des Barons (Narbonne, France) 12 07/02/25
Duel Commander FNM Duel BCN @ inGenio (Barcelona) 16 07/02/25
Duel Commander Friday DUEL Xplace @ Xplace (São Paulo, Brazil) 12 07/02/25
Duel Commander MTGO Duel Commander League 07/02/25
Modern FNM @ Contemporary Nook Anonas (Quezon City, Philippines) 14 07/02/25
Modern LCQ 0 @ SCG CON Portland 58 07/02/25
Modern LCQ 1 @ SCG CON Portland 49 07/02/25
Modern LCQ 10 @ SCG CON Portland 61 07/02/25
Modern LCQ 11 @ SCG CON Portland 80 07/02/25
Modern LCQ 12 @ SCG CON Portland 52 07/02/25
Modern LCQ 2 @ SCG CON Portland 117 07/02/25
Modern LCQ 3 @ SCG CON Portland 52 07/02/25
Modern LCQ 4 @ SCG CON Portland 60 07/02/25
Modern LCQ 5 @ SCG CON Portland 50 07/02/25
Modern LCQ 6 @ SCG CON Portland 56 07/02/25
Modern LCQ 7 @ SCG CON Portland 50 07/02/25
Modern LCQ 8 @ SCG CON Portland 55 07/02/25
Modern LCQ 9 @ SCG CON Portland 71 07/02/25
Modern MTGO Challenge 64 65 07/02/25
Modern MTGO League 07/02/25
Modern ReCQ @ SCG CON Portland 157 07/02/25
Standard MTGO League 07/02/25
Legacy MTGO League 07/02/25
Legacy Oversized Event @ SCG CON Portland 54 07/02/25
Vintage MTGO Challenge 32 40 07/02/25
Premodern Night Show Pns (Technoliga) @ Valencia (Spain) 12 06/02/25
Pioneer MTGO Challenge 32 56 06/02/25
Pioneer MTGO League 06/02/25
Pauper 1^ tappa | Lega Mediavalle e Garfagnana 24/25 - Spring Season @ Garfagnana (Italy) 18 06/02/25
Pauper 3° Tappa Lega Terni @ La Tana Terni (Italy) 13 06/02/25
Pauper LPMilano IX Tappa Lecco25 @ UESM (Milano, Italy) 24 06/02/25
Pauper MTGO League 06/02/25
Pauper Pauper Royale 227 34 06/02/25
Pauper Prague League @ Najáda (Prague) 35 06/02/25
Duel Commander MTGO Duel Commander League 06/02/25
Duel Commander Thursday Night Tournament #28 @ France 20 06/02/25
Duel Commander Thursduel BCN @ Magic Barcelona (Barcelona) 19 06/02/25
Modern MTGO Challenge 64 79 06/02/25
Modern MTGO League 06/02/25
Standard MTGO Challenge 32 48 06/02/25
Standard MTGO League 06/02/25
Legacy MTGO League 06/02/25
Vintage MTGO Challenge 32 50 06/02/25
Vintage MTGO League 06/02/25
Premodern Biweekly Event @ Mont CardShop (Campinas, Brazil) 14 05/02/25
Premodern Magico Conclave Etrusco Cecina - Championship #7 @ Cecina (Italy) 20 05/02/25
Peasant Mtg-Peasant @ Cockatrice 8 05/02/25
Pauper 5' Tappa Lega Rieti @ Comics Empire (Contigliano, Italy) 8 05/02/25
Pauper Br(i)anza League #12 (Season 4) @ Italy 17 05/02/25
Pauper Envy League @ Molfetta (italy) 11 05/02/25
Pauper Fuguete League 210 43 05/02/25
Pauper Lab League 2025 - Tappa #5 @ Il Labirinto (Bollate, Italy) 16 05/02/25
Pauper Modena Magic 2024/25 Winter Round 5/6 @ Modena (Italy) 32 05/02/25
Pauper Tappa LP Comense "Road to Lecco" @ Magic Akiba (Mariano Comense, Italy) 05/02/25
Duel Commander 4 Tappa Lega @ Magic History (Perugia, Italy) 8 05/02/25
Duel Commander Bazar Weekly #5 @ Bazar de Bagda (Sao Paulo, Brazil) 12 05/02/25
Duel Commander Le Tord La Goule Tournament 26 @ Basly (France) 8 05/02/25
MTGO Challenge 64
joué le 13/01/2025

Top Decks
1 Mardu Aggro Kotte89
2 Amulet Titan kanister
3-4 Breach _Tia93_
3-4 UB Mill Comrade1312
5-8 Death And Taxes _IlNano_
5-8 Eldrazi Ramp soggymeatball
5-8 Breach aManatease
5-8 Eldrazi Ramp Sisyfos_happy
9 Death And Taxes Reiam
10 Landless Belcher Xenowan
11 Living End MeninooNey
12 Selesnya Birthing Ritual stefanocanclini
13 Boros Energy imthekiing
14 Breach Magicverse
15 Dimir Oculus Frog Lennny
16 Dimir Oculus Frog Gerschi