1 sur le champ de bataille
Combo proposée le 01/04/2004, commentaire de :

NdZeSword: Malheureusement, depuis le "The Grand Creature Type Update" avec Lorwin, cela ne fonctionne plus: quand tu perds, tu détruis les permanents dont le *nom* est Wirefly. Tu ne peux donc plus changer le type d'une créature ennemie en Wirefly (qui n'existe plus) et si tu le changes en Insect, ça ne fonctionne pas non plus.
Wirefly Hive produced Wirefly tokens. But just like The Hive (which originally made Wasps) and Giant Caterpillar (which originally made a Butterfly), this should make Insects. After the update, it'll make Insect tokens named Wirefly. The tricky part is that the artifact also destroys Wireflies. In the past, this would've destroyed Mistform Ultimus too, since it was also a Wirefly. After the update, Wirefly Hive will destroy only creatures named Wirefly.