// www.magic-ville.com deck file
// NAME : [Peasant]Cloak and Armor
// CREATOR : frouck (magic-ville.com)
// FORMAT : Peasant
3 [DIS] Guardian of the Guildpact
3 [MI] Benevolent Unicorn
4 [CFX] Valeron Outlander
4 [AP] Standard Bearer
4 [UL] Mother of Runes
4 [GP] Silhana Ledgewalker
4 [TSP] Terramorphic Expanse
4 [JU] Benevolent Bodyguard
4 [JU] Prismatic Strands
4 [IN] Armadillo Cloak
4 [WL] Empyrial Armor
8 [U] Forest
10 [U] Plains
