Utilisation banale
1 en main
1 en main
Combo proposée le 01/09/2003, commentaire de :

NdZeSword: Effectivement, une fois dans la sous-partie on peut "importer" des cartes de rituel depuis la partie principale (y compris Shahrazad qui est encore dans la pile de la partie principale, pour jouer une sous-sous-partie), et pas seulement des cartes de la réserve.

Rule 719.4 a écrit :
All objects in the main game and all cards outside the main game are considered outside the subgame (except those specifically brought into the subgame). All players not currently in the subgame are considered outside the subgame.
719.4a Some effects can bring cards into a game from outside of it. If a card is brought into a subgame from a main game, abilities in the main game that trigger on objects leaving a main-game zone will trigger, but they won't be put onto the stack until the main game resumes.